Service Dog Census Project Share/Save/Bookmark
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Even though our project is on hold we still need your help!
You don’t have to offer a product or service that specifically focuses on Service Dogs to benefit from becoming an affiliate member. Anyone who wants to support the Service Dog community can benefit from becoming an affiliate—and it can help give your company or website an edge. According to the Cone Corporate Citizenship Study, 2004 when price and quality are equal, 86% of Americans will switch brands to support a cause they believe in. Our goal is to offer a wide array of opportunities for people to become involved. We need your help to reach every Service Dog owner in the United States.

There are several ways you can help the Service Dog Census Project compile our counts. We offer four affiliate membership levels.

Service Dog Census Project Supporting Member

All levels of membership require you to contact us first and let us know how you want to help us (so we know who to thank!)

1. Supporting Member (free)
As a Supporting Member you'll be able to put this logo on your website and link it back to us. This easy and free co-branding opportunity can help strengthen the perception of your company in the eyes of your visitors, all while helping Service Dogs and their owners across the country.

Service Dog Census Project Contributing Member

To become a Contributing Member
please contact us.

2. Contributing Member (free)
Contributing members are able to include this logo on their website, and must also agree to running at least one ad on their website. Members can choose which size or sizes fit their website best. When you run an ad on your website we will also link back to you from our website to show that you’re an official Contributor. This may also increase your ranking on search engines. Read more.

Service Dog Census Project Titanium Sponsor

To become a Titanium Sponsor
please contact us.

3. Titanium Sponsorship Member ($250+)
Whether you are an individual or a corporation who wishes to gift a block of Documentation Packages to injured military veterans who use Service Dogs or want to help us promote the Service Dog Census Project by funding a direct mail campaign or Internet advertising campaign, we'll work with you to get the most for your money. Please contact us for more information.

Service Dog Census Project Titanium Sponsor

To become a Titanium Sponsor
please contact us.

4. Titanium Sponsorship Member for Merchandising
Do you offer a product or service that could benefit from co-branding with the Service Dog Census Project? We offer opportunities to develop relationships with companies to offer specially designed products that carry our logo. Whether you make dog food or dog tags, we’ll work with you to develop a package that can help add value to your brand. Please contact us for more information.

Fiscal Sponsorship
Because the Service Dog Census Project are in its inaugural year, we have not applied for not-for-profit status. We are looking for fiscal sponsors to help us get this Project off the ground. Please contact us if you are interested in helping.

  Get involved  
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We're looking for funding!
This Census Project is a grassroots effort, which, in plain english means we have a lot of heart but we don't have much money. If you think you are able to help us find a replacement funding source please contact us.
Your dog is ready for his closeup, Mr. DeMille.
Join our new Service Dog Census Project Flickr Group and post pictures of your Service Dog, see others and make new friends!


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